Emergency Remote Learning – Spring 2020

Salmon Habitat Research

Salmon Habitat Research

Dear Families of Room 124,

As lifelong learners in Room 124 we strive to build stamina, resiliency and perseverance. This is a remarkable group of young people who have shown compassion and empathy for one another. I stand back in awe and quietly observe how each member of our classroom community continuously offers emotional, social and academic guidance to anyone in need. In the classroom it was always a personal delight to stand back and listen to the student’s classroom meeting discussions. After three classroom meetings through Teams, I am able to step back and observe students as they navigate their ever changing world. I appreciate all the guardians in our classroom. You all are magnificent in guiding your children’s learning at home as well as stepping in and co teaching. Many thanks to our two Jamies for helping our class with FlipGrid. It is a learning process and I appreciate your help and time! I am learning from you and your children. Thank you!

This week prior to Spring Break is a transitional teaching and learning week. Please continue to access the district Stay Engage website for student learning: https://www.engage.rsd407.org/engagement

  • Reading, Writing and Phonics

Reading and written responses target narrative nonfiction. There is a link to Epic Books as well as quality read aloud books chosen by our librarians.

“Students- This week’s reading lessons on the Stay Engaged site are Narrative Nonfiction. There are some links where you can find resources for reading. Our school librarians have also collected a lot of read aloud books that you can listen to To find these videos please click on this link: RSD Narrative Nonfiction.

  • Mathematics

We are using Zearn Math to continue student learning. Each family and student received a login email with directions and passwords. In class we began fractions, yet I am asking students to start at the beginning of the unit for review and to feel comfortable with the Zearn format. All mathematicians are encouraged to continue with Freckle to personalize their learning. Khan academy is fabulous too.

  • Empowered Learning Projects

Students are encouraged to research a passion project and share their work with the class. Most likely we will use Flipgrid videos to do so. I am trying to follow the district’s lead.Thank you for your grace.

Please note that I have daily meetings with with CE staff and district personnel. However, I am always available to speak with you. We can chat 333-4845, email or talk on Teams.

Take good care.

All my best,
